King of Swords and Queen of Swords are a power couple under the air element and better halves of each other. They display similar qualities and yet have certain meanings specific to them. So, let us understand the King and Queen of Swords together and their individual meanings.
Check the end of the page for a cheat sheet of key meanings.

King of Swords Meaning and Queen of Swords Meaning - General
As a Person
Both the King of Swords and Queen of Swords as meanings depict persons with extremely strong and powerful intellect. They are driven by logic and reason. They can be intolerant of those who they perceive to be of lesser intellectual wavelengths.
They have a quick mind and prefer applying their brain to situations than the heart. King of Swords and Queen of Swords engage in careful analysis and planning. Being intellectually wise, they can offer good and sound rational advice.
With this royal couple, there is no beating about the bush. You tell things as is, keep emotions at bay and discern things based on rationality. Be honest and call a spade a spade. This is greatly appreciated by the King of Swords and Queen of Swords.
However, neither of them is a risk taker. They lack spontaneity and tend to be too rigid and stubborn.
As a Situation
As a situation, either of these cards can indicate the need to imbibe the above qualities. It can also suggest that the situation requires organization, planning, and careful risk assessment.
The Queen wears a crown with butterflies, while the King sits on a throne that is carved with butterflies. Both these cards, therefore, represent a transformation.

Queen of Swords Meaning – Specific
Queen of Swords is the most masculine of all the Queens in the Tarot Deck. She is emotionally the most subdued and gives more weightage to her mind and intellect than emotions. She is one with the gift of gab.
One can see her holding out her left hand in offering. But even so, she prefers connecting through her intellect rather than emotions.
Queen of Swords holds an upright sword which indicates the desire to be truthful. This can also mean some past hurt that you are trying to hide.
Queen of Swords can also indicate an older woman in your life who can help you rationalize your problems and identify ways to deal with it.
Queen of Swords as a person can also mean someone who is hiding his/her hurt or sadness by projecting a cool and composed outward demeanor.
Since Queens are about looking inwards, Queen of Swords can be suggestive of looking at your current situation and aspirations with a rational mind and working towards cutting off any limiting beliefs or fears or anxieties.
King of Swords Meaning – Specific
King of Swords sits on his throne, looking straight appears to be strong, self-assured and ready to tackle any challenges thrown at him.
King of Swords holds his sword in his right hand (hand of the conscious and logical mind) and points his arrow upwards and yet slightly towards the left (hand of the sub-conscious and intuitive mind). This indicates that while the King prefers being rational and logical in all his decisions and actions yet being flexible and staying open to his intuition.
Also, the blue robe is suggestive of a spiritual side of this King. If one observes the images of the Page of Swords moving up to the King of Swords, it appears that the wind and cloud have settled and become more calm. This is representative of growing path of maturity and stability, with there being more focus and clarity as compared to earlier.
King of Swords as a meaning is someone who can perform extraordinarily well in structured environments. This King of Swords loves his routine and is very disciplined. By that logic, this card might suggest imbibing these qualities to bring about certain outcomes or benefits. King of Swords is a person of high standards and doesn't like compromising on morals and values.
Kings are more about our interactions and responsibilities with the outside world. King of Swords, by that logic, can suggest seeking out sound advisor or mentor. This could be a financial or legal advisor, or someone who is an expert in their field and can guide you with logic and reason. The King of Swords could also suggest situations relating to law and order (police, military, legal, etc.).
Let us look at the King of Swords and Queen of Swords in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.
King of Swords in Love and Queen of Swords in Love
Love Reading for Relationships
Queen of Swords Love - Relationships | King of Swords Love - Relationships |
Queen of Swords in love tends to be distant and cold. This can be indicative of a relationship that is too straightforward and lacks emotional intimacy. There might not be any public displays of affection here, but the relationship stands on devotion and honesty. If there are challenges, it might be worthwhile to add a bit of passion to the pragmatism of the relationship. Queen of Swords in relationships likes her boundaries, and hence it will be good to establish clear boundaries in the relationship and also ensure each partner has their personal space and time to evolve. On the downside, Queen of Swords might find it difficult to relax and be spontaneous in relationships. | King of Swords in love has his head firmly planted on his shoulders. If this person is you or your partner, this is a great partner to have to steer the relationship forward with a sound and cool mind. If you have the King of Swords as a love partner, s/he will push you to be the best version of yourself. You might not be able to whine and complain here about your issues, but will be expected to keep your head up and deal with problems in a mature way. This person is not very romantic, but he or she is a thinker. He takes responsibility of the relationship. He prefers intellectual connection, clear communication and rational thinking. On the downside, this King can set very high standards and intellectual goals and there might be no room for daily stupidities. If there are challenges in relationships or love, King of Swords encourages you to adopt a logical problem solving approach. |
Love Reading for Singles
Queen of Swords Love - Singles | King of Swords Love - Singles |
Queen of Swords in love can indicate your tendency to be a loner. You are seeking someone who matches your intellectual wavelength and are very choosy about your partner. This might be a message to letting out your emotional side a bit. There is no need to discuss personal finances and retirement goals on your first date. This card can also suggest meeting someone who is older, wiser or divorced. Queen of Swords in love could also mean that you are enjoying singledom and are in no hurry to meet someone. You are very self-assured and independent and are unwilling to compromise. | King of Swords in love could indicate that you are looking for a companion with whom you can connect at a celebral level. This card can also indicate an energy of a person who is enjoying his bachelor life and is in no hurry to settle unless he finds his intellectual match. |
King of Swords in Career & Finance and Queen of Swords in Career & Finance
Queen of Swords Career & Finance | King of Swords Career & Finance |
Queen of Swords in career could be an indication for you to look at your professional life with an objective lens. See what is serving you and what is not, and eliminate the latter. Queen of Swords in career is a person who has accomplished a lot after overcoming many struggles. Life has made her a fine professional and she is looked up to by her colleagues and other as someone to follow. Honesty and uprightness might be a good approach at work currently. Your colleagues and team may see you as too focused and cold, but they respect you for your wise and strategic thinking. Queen of Swords in money suggests taking stock of your financial situation with a sound and rational mind. Ensure that your plan aligns with your financial and personal goals. Be shrewd in your monetary decisions. Queen of Swords in finances also encourages financial independence. | King of Swords in career could indicate the need to have a cool and composed approach to work. Your moral and ethical standards are very high and others appreciate and look up to you for guidance. This could also point to an older, wiser and experienced person at work who could be a good mentor or advisor. King of Swords in career is also a message to think rationally and take logical business decisions. You set high standards for yourself and others at work. This can be inhibitive for some. King of Swords in money is a person who is very committed to his/her financial goals and being financially disciplined. This suggests being rational in your financial planning. Do not think sentimentally. It might also suggest seeking help of an experienced financial counsellor. |
King of Swords and Queen of Swords - Together
When the King of Swords and Queen of Swords appears together, they could represent a power couple that vibe well at a cerebral level. They are considered cool and calm headed, and are generally looked up to in their circle as powerful, intelligent and successful.
However, given the common qualities of the King of Swords and Queen of Swords viz. being too logical, and straight jacketed, this combination can indicate an overdose of rationality and lack of compassion and empathy.
From a relationship standpoint, it might also be useful to check the placement of the two cards. If the Queen of Swords comes on the right side (left of the King), she appears to be looking away from the King of Swords. This could signal trouble in paradise, and given the strong personalities of both these individuals, there could be a high level of verbal friction in the relationship.
The combination can also suggest the need to partner up or collaborate with someone like the King and Queen of Swords for a successful project, venture or task.
King of Swords and Queen of Swords - Key Meanings
King of Swords Key Meanings
Positive - Strong, Powerful, Intelligent, Careful Planning, Logical, Rational, Structured, Disciplined, Good Advisor / Mentor, Honest, High Moral Standards, Transformation, Balance with Intuition, Some Amount of Flexibility, Focus on Outside Relationships, Spiritual, Stability, Loves Routine, Loves Boundaries.
Negative - Intolerant, Rigid, Stubborn, Lack of Empathy, Risk Avoidance, Lack of Spontaneity, Not Romantic.
Queen of Swords Key Meanings
Positive - Strong, Powerful, Intelligent, Careful Planning, Logical, Rational, Structured, Disciplined, Good Advisor / Mentor, Honest, High Moral Standards, Transformation, Gift of Gab, Hiding Pain, Older / Divorced woman, Focus on Self, Cutting off Fear / Limiting Beliefs, Loves Boundaries.
Negative - Intolerant, Rigid, Stubborn, Lack of Empathy, Risk Avoidance, Distant / Cold, Lack of Spontaneity, Not Romantic, Loner.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What does the Queen of Swords signify in love?
Queen of Swords in love is a symbol of clarity, independence, and emotional maturity. As a single person, she is probably working on herself right now, or needs to set clear boundaries in a relationship. In existing relationships, Queen of Swords suggests honest communication and emotional honesty.
2. How does the Queen of Swords relate to marriage?
Queen of Swords in marriage can suggest an intellectual connection coupled with respect between both parties. This is a period when rational decision-making combined with open and honest discussions will be the key elements that bring harmony to the relationship.
3. What does the Queen of Swords indicate about career growth?
Queen of Swords In career shows strong analytical skills, precision in speech, and a rational decision making ability. It also means standing for what you believes in, cutting through distractions, and using wisdom to manage situations that pose a challenge.
4. Can the Queen of Swords indicate challenges in love or career?
Queen of Swords in love and career can indicate an emotionally detached or a very critical person. In love, one might be too rational losing touch with the emotional side. In career, it advises one to avoid being too rigid or unapproachable.
5. What advice does the Queen of Swords offer for personal growth in relationships or work?
Queen of Swords advises a balance between intellect and compassion. It will be good to be vulnerable in your relationship while maintaining reasonable boundaries. In career, use your aura and authority to inspire people rather than intimidate. Seek fairness and empathy in all your interactions.
6. What does the King of Swords signify in love?
King of Swords in love is a card of wisdom, clarity, and emotional rationality in relationships. A couple based on mutual respect and intellectual bonding, it often represents a celebral connection between the partners. For singles, it may imply you attracting or you being a mature, logical and honest partner.
7. How does the King of Swords relate to marriage?
King of Swords in marriage often speaks of fairness, openness of communication and well-defined decision-making. Often, it is speaking to a point in a relationship where logical discussions and strategic planning leave the parties finding themselves on the same page.
8. What does the King of Swords indicate about career growth?
King of Swords in career symbolizes leadership, authority, and good judgment on your career path. It implies that it is a time for making well-informed decisions and taking charge confidently, pushing challenges from the right strategic approach. Use your intellectual capabilities and rational approach to tackle problems.
King of Swords in love or career might mean that an emotional expression will be restricted or follow a rigid approach. In love, it may represent failure to connect emotionally because logic is seen as being more important than the emotion itself. In career, it could indicate a very authoritative approach and being intolerant of others. One needs to guard against this tendency.
10. What advice does the King of Swords offer for personal growth in relationships or work?
King of Swords advises one to use one’s head and power wisely. In love, balancing logic with emotional empathy is suggested. In career, it suggests adopting a fair and communicative approach with colleagues. Decisions must be accompanied by empathy to obtain optimal outcomes.
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