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Seven of Pentacles

Updated: Feb 19

Seven of Pentacles depicts a man looking at the results of his harvest. Is he satisfied, and what is he thinking? What are the messages Seven of Pentacles gives us? Read on.

Seven of Pentacles Tarot

Seven of Pentacles Meaning - General

Seven of Pentacles is about a situation in life where you have worked really hard. You haven’t had a flash in the pan success. But the results have reaped slowly and steadily. The first signs of success or results have finally come in. You can pause a bit to relish in the yield. You have worked very hard for this, and you have finally starting to see the payoffs.

Taking this to the next step, you need to think if you are satisfied with your rewards? That is the question Seven of Pentacles means for us to ask. This is the time to pause and reflect. Look at your progress till date and assess if you are on track. This is about taking stock.

This is also a time for re-strategizing. Do we need a direction change or are we still on the right path. This person in Seven of Pentacles tarot is at a crossroad. He needs to take a call on which direction to choose - status quo or a new path. Remember, the choice is yours. And whatever direction you take, will unfold a unique story of successes and failure. This is not the end, but merely a journey. That needs constant introspecting and reassessments. 

Let us look at the Seven of Pentacles in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.

Seven of Pentacles Love

Love Reading for Relationships

With Seven of Pentacles in love, relationships need nurturing and patience. You need to keep working on your relationship to make it thrive. At times, pause to re-assess your couple goals and realign with each other.

Decide on the path to take. Circumstances change and you might need to re-evaluate certain aspects of life.

With the Seven of Pentacles there is commitment to make things work and make it last a lifetime. If you have been thinking of deepening your bond and moving forward in your relationship, this might be a good time. Whether it is getting engaged, married or pregnancy, pause and make your goals now.

Love Reading for Singles

Seven of Pentacles in love for singles asks you to be patient. Love is a slow and steady process. If you have the right attitude and approach, love will blossom in your life. Look back at your previous relationships and see if there is a course correction needed.

Seven of Pentacles can also indicate possibilities of a friendship becoming a matter of love in its own time and at its own pace.

Keep walking your true path, be your authentic self, and let love happen to you at the right time.

Seven of Pentacles Career & Finance

Seven of Pentacles in career suggests planning and patience. Your efforts and hard work are not seeing immediate light at the end of tunnel. You might now be deciding on whether to stick to your current job or look for a change.

This might also be a good time to think about entrepreneurship if it has been on your mind. Start long term planning for it.

Financially, if your investments have been stagnant, they are now starting to make profits. Keep making sound investment plans and pause at regular intervals to check your strategy.

You might also be a beneficiary of an inheritance or gift.

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