Three of Wands is the logical next step to the Two of Wands. The man who was within the confines of his castle, acknowledging his power and deciding on the path to take has now come out. He is at the edge of the land, looking into the horizon.
Three of Wands Meaning - General
Moving from Two of Wands, Three of Wands brings in a lot of enthusiasm, excitement, and energy for the times to come.
Three of Wands could mean start of a journey, a path to take that has been chosen after much deliberation. But you have been very confident about treading this path. This could very well be the point of no return. A small window left for you to turn back and return. But that seems distant as the person appears ready to move forward.
This card signifies a new beginning, the start of a dream turning into reality. The journey is getting started, and so the excitement is high, but there is a lot of work to be done. You are ready to explore the unknown, spread your wings and experience life unabated. At times, leaving the secured and safe behind in search of something different serves you better.
There is a sense of freedom, self-confidence and self-belief. Foresight and forward planning are advised. You have a powerful sense of intuition and listen to your instincts while you take actions.
Three of Wands in tarot also indicates growth, expansion and possible emigration to a foreign land. There could be travel as well.
Let us look at the Three of Wands in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.
Three of Wands Love
Love Reading for Relationships
For those in a relationship, Three of Wands is a positive card of growth and progress. You could be deciding to move out to a different country together. Or this card could suggest a holiday abroad.
For some, Three of Wands in love could indicate a long-distance relationship.
If you have been facing challenges in the relationship, this card advises you to take ownership and leadership of the situation to find a solution to the problem.
Overall, Three of Wands is a very positive card for those in a relationship, as it suggests a positive phase, forward movement and growth and maturity in the relationship.
Love Reading for Singles
Three of Wands in love for singles evokes a sense of freedom. This could signify enjoying singledom and the freedom that comes with it. You are ready to explore life to its fullest without being bogged down by the feeling of being alone.
For some, this card could indicate a travel romance, or meeting with someone and starting a relationship during a travel holiday.
Three of Wands Career & Finance
If you are looking at moving abroad for work, this is your card! The Three of Wands in career is about travel and expansion.
If you have your own venture of business, you could be looking to expand geographies. Alternatively, you might be looking to partner with someone to seek new growth opportunities.
This is a good time to shake things up a bit, do things out of the ordinary, be bold and choose daring and adventurous options to push for growth. You have the foresight and leadership abilities to be able to steer your team to new heights.
On the monetary front, you could be reaping the rewards of previous hard work and choices made. Your decisions are serving you well and money is growing. You might want to use some part of this wealth for a holiday or travel abroad.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What does the Three of Wands mean in love?
Three of Wands in love contain the aspects of expecting, progression, and forward thinking. It hints that either one of you or both may be willing to move forward in your relationship or perhaps looking for new options. To singles, it means if you are waiting for the appropriate time or partner, then you are willing to start a new chapter in your romantic life.
2. How does the Three of Wands relate to marriage?
Three of Wands in marriage means that a marriage is ready to embrace a larger horizon and is looking forward to better prospects. It could mean you and your partner are making plans for the future, goals, journey, or dreams. It fosters face-to-face communication and cooperation relevant to future development.
3. What does the Three of Wands suggest about career opportunities?
Three of Wands in career shows success, growth and upcoming more successful activities. It indicates that you have done your best in something and you are just waiting for it to bear fruit. New opportunities may be on the horizon and this card is advising you to wait and keep hope that new opportunities will be coming soon in your future.
4. Can the Three of Wands indicate challenges in love or career?
In general, the Three of Wands in love or career is a favourable card. However, as a challenge, it means that you could face the issue of expecting the results of your work. In love, it may represent a stage where you and your lover seem to be on different pages or are apart to see what the relationship will become. In career, it implies that you are on a standby, waiting for the opportunity to take its course, but in fact, you are in a good standing to excel.
5. What advice does the Three of Wands offer for personal growth in relationships or work?
Three of Wands means you should wait, as your endeavors will soon bear positive fruit. In relationships, as in the rest of life, progressively consolidate what has already been achieved and look to the future with confidence. At work, remain active, look around for the next position for yourself and be ready to grab opportunity when it knocks. This card inspires you to focus on the road ahead and the possibilities staring at you or in other words, to trust the choice you make.
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