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The Magician – Tarot (#1)

Updated: Feb 19

The Magician card in tarot is all about power and positive energy. As the name goes, the person in the card image is the Magician who can manifest his deepest dreams and desires.

The Magician Tarot

The Magician Tarot Meaning - General

The Magician in tarot is standing in the middle of a flowery garden, symbolizing abundance. His posture with one hand pointing upwards and the other downwards, indicates the ability to bring heaven and earth together. And to top it, the infinity halo on top of his head indicates infinite potential to be able to accomplish anything that he sets his heart and mind on.

The Magician card tells you that the situation you are in at life is a very powerful and positive one. The universe is aligning you to your abilities to be successful. The table in front of the Magician has the four suits of the Tarot Deck – sword, wand, cup and pentacle. All the tools needed to accomplish your dreams are at your disposal. If you are going through a challenge, this card is a reminder to dig inside and find your power within. The card tells you that you have all the resources you need, and you are at your powerful best. It is for you to acknowledge your own power than seeking external confirmations.

This card is all about manifestation. As a magician you can manifest your dreams and make them reality. But this also therefore means taking actions and committing yourself to your goal. You need to do what needs to be done. Use your innate talent and strengths to accomplish tasks and set the path for your goals. Focus on the goal and use your willpower consciously in your actions to turn ideas into reality.

Magician is also a card of creativity and energy. Think creatively and channel your energies positively to manifest your dreams.

On the downside, the Magician can indicate someone who is manipulative and deceptive. This could even be you. It is not difficult to imagine power being misused for one’s own benefit. Guard against such tendencies or beware of people who can cheat or manipulate.

Let us look at the Magician in specific contexts of a love tarot reading and career tarot reading. Remember to apply all the above general readings to the below readings as well.

The Magician - Love

Love Reading for Relationships

The Magician in love could stand for empowerment and active communication. As a couple you might be feeling very powerful and have the ability to make a difference to or influence people or situations around you.

Your communication levels are active and very vibrant, you are able to effectively tell each other about your dreams and wishes and align together in achieving those goals.

The Magician is a very positive card in relationship reading and can symbolize taking the relationship to a deeper level or next stage of commitment.

Love Reading for Singles

The Magician in love for singles indicates being at the right place at the right time. You are exactly where you are meant to be. There is a sense of individual empowerment that either you already possess and acknowledge or need to inculcate within you for personal growth.

If you are looking for love, this is a good time to visualize the right life partner and relationship you wish for and manifest those through the power of visualization, focus and concentration and physical actions. It is a good time to socialize. You might meet someone who is very committed and well intentioned (see how the Magician is starkly different from the Fool who was considered carefree and fickle minded?)

The Magician - Career & Finance

The Magician in career indicates a very powerful phase in your career. It symbolizes immense skill, energy, creativity and talent you have to be successful in your career.

Remember that the Magician carries the numeric number one. Therefore, this could be new opportunities in your career, new promotion, or business opportunities.

The Magician need not represent you all the time. This can also be a very powerful person around you who could mentor, guide or help you in your issues or challenges.

Again, a general warning is to steer clear of manipulation. Play your cards close to your chest and do not believe everyone blindly.

Financially, you have the power to manifest your financial goals now. You are also financially wise and have the ability to make thoughtful and informed decisions. Use your existing knowledge and resources effectively to bring in more financial abundance.

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